Hand Over Your Reinstatement Work To A Good Contractor

Reinstating the building to its original condition is your responsibility. But it is not something you can do yourself. You must restore the building to the condition that it was when you took over. This means a lot of jobs for putting back everything as it was. You might have changed a lot of things in the building for your convenience. You must have raised some partitions to suit your purpose and these need to be removed.
If you have installed any lighting or other fixtures those must be removed too. The idea of reinstatement is to ensure that the owner can hand over the place to another tenant in a good condition so that they can start decorating the place. You must find a good contractor for reinstatement works in Singapore so that you can get back your advance.

Understanding Reinstatement Of Office Premises

Reinstatement is included in the agreement of all office premises in Singapore. This means that you must hand over the premises in the same condition as you took it. This will help the owner to rent it out to another tenant easily without having to undo whatever work you have done. If you don’t reinstate the premises the owner can reduce the reinstatement charges from your advance or even go legal against you. Reinstatement doesn’t just mean tearing off whatever you have added. There is much more to it than that.
You must adhere to all local building and OH&S laws for reinstatement. All the electrical and data cabling work done by you must be removed. Any partitions that you may have raised has to be removed completely. False ceilings must be removed completely. If you changed the sprinklers or other fire safety equipment to a new position you must restore them to the earlier position. If you have done any additional masonry work, they must be removed completely. Any doors, windows, blinds or curtains must be removed. Additional plumbing and fire safety components must be taken off. You must also paint the walls and ceilings to the color when you took over.

Hiring A Good Contractor Is The Key To Successful Reinstatement

For your office reinstatement in Singapore to be successful, you must hire a contractor who has experience in this job. Any renovation or building contractor will not do for such work. You must get yourself an experienced contractor if you want to save yourself from legal problems or delay in getting back your deposit. An office reinstatement contractor will clearly understand the conditions in the contract. The reinstatement company can talk to the building management on your behalf and ensure that all conditions are met.
The reinstatement must be completed in the time that is set for you. This means that you must start the reinstatement work in time to complete the handover before the deadline. The time that will be taken for the reinstatement work will depend on the area of the office. You must first get the contractors and show them the place. The process must start keeping in mind your selection of the contractor and the procedure your company follows for selecting a vendor. It is best to get quotes from three contractors so that you can compare and decide.

Joint Inspection And Handing Over

Ensure that your contractor will conduct the joint inspection of the place along with the building management. The contractor must also complete the paperwork and get the deposit back from the building owners.


  1. Nice blog, keep sharing such updates. Commercial building reinstatement service agency offers cheap Kiosk reinstatement service in Singapore. Call Today for Kisok reinstatement.
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